South East Queens Muslim Collective, Inc.
Fostering Dialogue, Collaboration & Encouraging Civic Engagement

Last Updated November 1, 2020
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All of New York City has suffered as a result of COVID-19. The borough of Queens was especially hard hit early in the pandemic. The State of New York is no longer in pause with New York City entering Phase 4 of re-opening on July 20, 2020. While the number of deaths and confirmed infection rates are presently in decline we must not let a false sense of security overtake or fool us as if the pandemic is ending or is over. Until an effective vaccine is developed and available, all of the medical community agrees that coronavirus is here to stay for some time to come.
COVID Connect is your one-stop shop for asking questions, submitting requests, or voicing concerns to the NYC Health Department's COVID-19 response team. Visit COVID-19 Connect and make sure to share with your networks.
The former travel advisory that had existed since the summer has been updated by Governor Cuomo effective October 31, 2020 to announced New Guidelines Allowing Out-of-State Travelers to "Test Out" of Mandatory 14-Day Quarantine.
Prior to the announcement all travelers entering New York from restricted states had to comply with Executive Order 205 and complete health forms that reported from where they had traveled so that specific outer state metrics would assign the requirement quarantine for 14 days. Present expectations are as follows:
Travelers Must Get Tested Within Three Days Prior to Landing in New York, Quarantine for at Least Three Days Upon Arrival, and Get a Test on Day Four of Arrival
If Travelers Receive a Negative Test On Day Four of Quarantine They May Exit Quarantine When They Receive Negative Result
States that are Contiguous with New York Continue to Be Exempted from Quarantine Protocol — Essential Workers Also Continue to be Exempted
Travelers Who Were Only Out of State for Less Than 24 Hours Do Not Need to Quarantine but Must Get a Test on Day Four of Arrival Back in NY
Covered travelers must continue to fill out the Traveler Health Form
For more detail, please visit the New York State COVID-19 Travel Advisory webpage here.
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo delivered the last of his daily COVID-19 press briefings on Friday, June 18, 2020. During it, the Governor thanked all New Yorkers, especially the essential workers who helped to pull us through, but New Yorkers in general, who were united in their sacrifices to protect one another New York Tough. You can view the recorded press briefing here.
Effective June 22nd, the largest phase in re-opening the city, in addition to offices, the plan also permits outdoor dining, some in-store shopping and also allows hair salons, barbershops and real estate firms to restart their work.
INSIDE DINING that had been anticipated to start in Phase 3 has been postponed until concerns of potential spread within New York City only declines.
God willing, all will go well as we enter Phase 4 of the city's recovery from COVID-19. But, let's not forget the virus is still contagious and very active. Let's keep on our masks and maintain social distancing everywhere we go as best we can!
Governor Cuomo had earlier announced the implementation of a new early warning dashboard that aggregates the state's expansive data collection efforts for New Yorkers, government officials and experts to monitor and review how the virus is being contained on an ongoing basis. It tracks new infections and their severity, hospital capacity by region, and other metrics. The early warning system dashboard was developed in consultation with internationally-known experts who have been advising New York State. The early warning dashboard can be found here.
We pray for the protection and safety of our families and communities. We must also all act responsibly to reduce the transmission of the virus. The resources listed below are for the purpose of conveying information that may be of assistance as we continue through the pandemic. Some media articles that underscore information as recommended reading are also included.
May Allah (God), the Protector and Disposer of All Affairs help us all.
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Have you returned to work as part of Phase 1, 2, 3 or 4 of #ReopeningNYC?
There are requirements your employer must follow for the health and safety of ALL employees who return to work.
Learn more about your workplace rights at http://nyc.gov/workers
Share: https://twitter.com/NYCDCA/status/1283056559883456514
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Verification of an infection is the only way to know for sure if one has been infected with coronavirus. As a novel i.e., "new" illness it will be necessary to study what is occurring with COVID-19 infections so medical researchers can know in which direction we are heading with preventative actions like social distancing, hand washing and being conscious of health promoting protective/ preventive behaviors referred to as "mitigation." If you become sick, it is recommended that you become tested so you can be aware of your status to seek treatment as necessary, know what to do more so far as limiting exposure to other family members in your household, etc.
Anybody who wants to be tested can now be tested for COVID-19 at hundreds of locations around the city. Identify a location, call to let them know you are coming, and show up.
You can find a test site here.
CVS has testing at its Minute Clinics. CLICK HERE to arrange for your test.
CityMD has WALK-IN testing throughout NYC seven days a week. Must have an appointment.
Queens Hospital Center - call 888-364-3065 or 311
Jamaica Hospital Medical Center - call 888-364-3065 or 311
York College (testing for nurses, essential workers and seniors) - call 888-663-6331
Joseph P. Addabbo Family Health Center, 12-88 Central Avenue in Far Rockaway (testing available Tuesdays 12 PM to 4 PM and Thursdays 10 AM to 2 PM) - call 718-945-7150
St. John's Hospital in Far Rockaway - call 888-364-3065 or 311
NYCHA Testing with Ready Responders - call 888-727-7914 after receiving notice at your residence
Drive-through Testing at Aqueduct Racetrack - 110-00 Rockaway Boulevard in South Ozone Park - call 888-364-3065 or 833-766-6769
Drive through Testing at Rite Aid - 218-35 Hempstead Ave., Queens Village, NY 11429. By appointment only; click here.
First Presbyterian Church - 89-64 164th Street in Jamaica - call 888-364-3065
CALL IN ADVANCE to say you are coming: 833-4CARENY (833-422-7369)
If you are feeling ill, please stay home. The first thing you should do is call your doctor or healthcare provider and follow their direction. If a test is needed, your doctor or healthcare provider will direct you. If you do not have a healthcare provider, you can call 311 to access the Health + Hospitals helpline for telemedicine assistance.
Most people who contract coronavirus will experience mild to moderate symptoms that can be treated in the comfort of one’s own home with over-the-counter cold and flu medicines. If your condition worsens like difficulty breathing, chest pains, and persistent high fever go to the hospital or call 911.
IF you tested positive for COVID-19 and would like to donate plasma to help develop antibody therapy for others, please contact the New York Blood Center to see if you can make a donation for Convalescent plasma (CP)
New York City is offering free antibody tests to any New Yorker who wants it at 5 sites throughout the city. It is a blood test that indicates whether you have PREVIOUSLY been infected with coronavirus as opposed to a diagnostic test (nasal swab) that indicates whether you are currently infected with coronavirus. Register online or call 888- 279-0967 for the free antibody test.
The CDC has confirmed that Multi-system Inflammatory Syndrome in Children, formerly called Pediatric Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome, is linked to COVID-19. To keep children safe, continue good hygiene, use face coverings, and practice social distancing.
Fact Sheet: Pediatric Multi-system Inflammatory Syndrome https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/doh/downloads/pdf/imm/covid-19-pmis.pdf
Call your pediatrician immediately if your child has symptoms. Common symptoms include: persistent fever, irritability or sluggishness, abdominal pain, vomiting, or diarrhea, enlarged lymph nodes (glands) on one side of the neck, red or pink eyes, red cracked lips or red tongue, or swollen hands and feet.
If you don’t have a doctor, call 311. Early detection is critical.
As of May 19, 147 cases of multi-system inflammatory syndrome have been detected in children in NYC hospitals. Among the cases, 69 tested positive for COVID-19 or antibodies, and 1 has been fatality reported.
The City of New York is collecting information to better understand and communicate about the impacts of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). This information will be helpful in enabling the City to share information with you and members of the public about COVID-19, and to help inform the City’s response to areas affected by COVID-19.
The website is intended for individuals, or those authorized to report on behalf of individuals, who have recently met any of the following criteria:
Experienced symptoms of COVID-19
Tested positive for COVID-19
Have come into contact with someone who may have COVID-19
Currently in quarantine
The website is designed to provide you with information about COVID-19 and give you the ability to update the City on your status.
If you are interested in providing information about yourself to the City of New New York to assist research purposes, you can connect with the portal here.
The city is conducting over 50,000 tests per day as of mid-July. And the Corps are projected to monitor over 250,000 New Yorkers this summer. The hotline (844-NYC-4NYC) has received over 100,000 calls to speak with a clinician.
To reach as many positive cases as possible, the Corps has deployed information gatherers who will be doing database research and will be directly reaching out to doctors’ offices to track down cases and contacts without phone numbers. The City will also use community-based organizations to broaden their outreach to contacts who may be unresponsive to phone calls through a four million dollar “Hit Accept” campaign.
New Yorkers can call the COVID-19 Emotional Support Hotline at 1-844-863-9314 for mental health counseling. You do not have to have the virus to seek counseling. Please call to speak to someone if anything is bothering you during the pandemic.
These are anxious times for many. The Wellness Society developed this excellent Coronavirus Anxiety Workbook: A Tool To Build Resilience During Difficult Times that we hope can assist and reduce some anxiety. Plus, avail yourself of these free tools to wellness.
Health care workers can text NYFRONTLINE to 741-741 to access 24/7 emotional support services.
The MENTAL HEALTH HOTLINE is within your reach for confidential emotional support, consultation and referral to a local provider, call: 1-844-863-9314
New York State Crisis Text Line, an anonymous texting service available 24/7. Text GOT5 to 741741
NYC WELL offers free and confidential mental health support and counseling in 200+ languages: (888) 692-9355
NYCWELL APPS great collection of digital resources to balance, revive, relax and provide support emotionally during the COVID-19 pandemic. Worth your visit.
The New York Psychotherapy & Counseling Center is offering phone therapy sessions: (718) 553-1100
SAFETY: NYC Mayor's Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence
NYC Family Justice Center facilities are temporarily closed. Services remain available by phone, such as immediate safety planning, shelter assistance, and other resources. From Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., call your nearest FJC:
NYC Family Justice Center, Bronx
Call 718-508-1220
NYC Family Justice Center, Brooklyn
Call 718-250-5113
NYC Family Justice Center, Manhattan
Call 212-602-2800
NYC Family Justice Center, Queens
Call 718-575-4545
NYC Family Justice Center, Staten Island
Call 718-697-4300
In the evenings and/or on weekends:
Call NYC's 24-hour Domestic Violence Hotline (800-621-4673
On May 21st, Mayor De Blasio announced, in partnership with Sanctuary for Families, a program that will provide immediate financial assistance to survivors experiencing safety, economic, and housing challenges. Get more information at the webpage of NYCHOPE.
New York City has set up a free Phone-A-Clinician and Tele-Visits to ensure the hardest hit communities have more options when it comes to health care.
Call 844-NYC-4NYC for COVID-19 related medical concerns.
Learn more about the Take Care Hotel program: http://bit.ly/2YO1CCs
- Watch the video and share: https://twitter.com/NYCImmigrants/status/1286747663090823169
Community healthcare providers can now refer clients who are COVID positive or COVID-symptomatic and unable to isolate where they live to the hotel isolation program. This is for individuals who do not require medical care and can self-isolate with basic services, including: onsite medical and social services, meals, laundry, phone, internet, daily check-in calls by medical staff, and transportation to and from the hotel as needed. To learn more about the program, visit nyc.gov/covid19hotel.
"We Still Don't Know How The Coronavirus is Killing Us" (Article)
With warm weather approaching, vulnerable individuals should consider staying cool at home since venturing out may threaten one's health. Through the assistance of the Human Resources Administration of New York City, you may be eligible for financial help to cover the cost and installation of an air conditioner or fan through its Cooling Assistance Benefit Program. This program will meet the cost up to $800 for an air conditioner or for a fan.
The program targets vulnerable New Yorkers who have been forced to stay inside their homes this summer to avoid risk for indoor heat exposure. The City has installed 4,500 air conditioners so far, including over 1,900 in NYCHA buildings, and is ramping up to install as many as 74,000 air conditioners for low-income seniors this summer. The New York State Public Service Commission has also approved the City’s request to provide financial assistance to vulnerable New Yorkers with their summer utility bills. The $70 million in aid will provide much needed relief for approximately 440,000 families in New York City, providing up to $140 from June to October.
It is anticipated to be a HOT summer and people will not be able to get out to cooling centers due to COVID-19 as in the past. Bills will mount using an air conditioner. The Home Energy Assistance Program application is now available for the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP). HEAP is a federally funded program that helps low-income homeowners and renters pay for utility and heating bills- this includes Cooling Assistance for the Summer months. Voice Phone: 212 – 331 - 3126. Visit the Home Energy Assistance Program Website.
Apply as of May 1, 2020 up to August 30, 2020 but this is on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE BASIS. DON'T WAIT TO APPLY! Are you ELIGIBLE? Click here. What do you NEED TO APPLY? Click here.
How to apply? Click here.
The deadline for health insurance special enrollment has been extended to August 15, 2020.
New Yorkers without health insurance can apply for coverage through the NY State of Health Health Plan Marketplace.
As part of the Governor's New York State on Pause 10 point plan, when in public individuals must practice social distancing of at least six feet from others. The maximum fine for violations of the state's social distancing protocol is $1,000.
You can now report social distancing violations by texting a photo to 311-692 or using the 311 mobile application.
6 FEET or TWO ARMS LENGTHS DISTANCE APART. Be conscientious and keep your distance for your safety and that of others.
What does Social Distancing Mean?
What is Social Distancing? (1-Minute Video with Dr. Anthony Fauci & Others)
Social Distancing Flier
This 3-D Simulation Shows Why Social Distancing is So important
Mayor Cautions a Careful Reopening, Says Virus Could “Boomerang” (Article)
Hand washing is one of the major tools we each have to protect ourselves and others from the coronavirus infection. Of course, hand sanitizer can be used and is a must if soap nor water is available to wash one's hands.
Wash hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water when you are away from your home or are outdoors without gloves. Do not touch your mouth, nose or eyes with your fingers or hands.
Why Soap Works (Article)
20 Minutes or More (Doug E. Fresh Video)
Wash and Dry Hands to Prevent the Spread of Coronavirus, but Avoid that Hot Air Dryer (Article)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 Protect Yourself Guidance
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Effective April 15th, Governor Andrew Cuomo decreed by Executive Order requiring that all New Yorkers wear masks or face coverings when out in public. Face masks are available now but can be expensive considering other financial priorities at this time. Here is a link to make a face mask from a bandanna or similar size cloth. SHOW LOVE by wearing a face mask!
Effective May 28th as parts of New York reopen, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today issued an Executive Order authorizing businesses to deny entry to individuals who do not wear masks or face-coverings. The Executive Order builds on the state's ongoing efforts to protect New Yorkers and slow the spread.
When you wear a mask you help to protect others especially those who are more vulnerable and deserving of protection. Share this information with them via a visit to this CDC webpage: People Who Need Extra Precautions.
As the weather warms, moving about to visit parks and engage in warm weather activities are normal for the season. However, precautions will need to be taken to reduce exposure. Parks and recreational areas have plenty of objects that are often touched and used by many people. Besides wearing a mask, wearing gloves may be especially important in such a high contact sociable location. Review what to Do and Don't during your visit:
What you should know about visiting Parks and Recreational Areas (from the CDC).
NYC Health created a short video in four languages with tips on how to properly cover your face and prevent the spread of COVID-19. Link here.
Governor Cuomo announced that New York State will be distributing 7 million masks to residents across the state. Masks will be distributed to low income communities, grocery store and food delivery workers, NYCHA residents, people in homeless shelters, and nursing homes, among others.
"Cuomo: Every Hospital to Have 90-Day Supply of PPE, Number of Deaths Still Too High" (Article)
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There are many resources for food assistance all over New York City to use and share with others. Everyone needs food to promote health and vitality during this stressful time. We are providing specific links for various neighborhoods below. We are grateful to the Hunter College New York City Food Policy Center for such an amazing collection of information to support New York City residents through the COVID-19 pandemic:
Use this link to view extensive listings throughout ALL of NEW YORK CITY (every borough)
Jamaica/Hollis: (scroll down halfway through the page to find pantry listings):
City Council Districts 23, 24, 27 and 28. Zip codes 11412, 11423, 11432, 11433, 11434, 11435, and 11436.
Hillcrest/Fresh Meadows:
City Council Districts 23 and 24. Zip codes 11365 and 11366.
Kew Gardens/Woodhaven:
City Council Districts 24, 29, 30 and 32. Zip codes 11415 11416, 11417, 11418, 11419, 11421, and 11424.
Queens Village:
City Council Districts 23 and 27. Zip codes 11004, 11005, 11411, 11413, 11422, 11426, 11427, 11428, and 11429.
Rockaway/Broad Channel:
City Council Districts 31 and 32. Zip codes 11691, 11692, 11693, 11694, and 11697.
South Ozone Park/Howard Beach:
City Council Districts 28 and 32. Zip codes 11414 11420, and 11430.
Rego Park/Forest Hills:
City Council District 29. Zip codes 11374 and 11375.
Long Island City/Astoria:
City Council Districts 22 and 26. Zip codes 11101, 11102, 11103, 11105, 11106, and 11109.
Halal meals are available at all 400+ grab-and-go sites and we are adding 25% capacity at 32 DOE sites in neighborhoods with high need during the month of Ramadan (approx. 400,000 meals total across the City).
In this time of historic high unemployment, the City understands more New Yorkers are experiencing food insecurity for the first time. To this end, the City will be expanding grab and go meals for all New Yorkers. No one will be turned away. Participants will be able to pick up three meals. The hours are: 7:30 AM to 11:30 AM for families with children and 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM for adults. To find a location, text “NYCFOOD” or “COMIDA” to 877-877. FACE MASKS ARE AVAILABLE AT GRAB & GO DOE SITES.
Since NYC provides universal free lunch, families will automatically receive $421 per child while school buildings are closed.
FOOD HELP NYC has a map of food pantries around the city. To find other potential resources in your area, please visit the website.
You may be eligible for Food Assistance Deliveries by the City of New York if you or someone you know (the form can be filled out by someone in behalf of someone) meet the following circumstances and are in need of a food delivery:
No members of the household can go out and get food because they are at increased medical risk or homebound
No neighbors or family members can go out and get food for you
Do not receive meal assistance from other providers (incl. Meals on Wheels or God's Love We Deliver); and
You are unable to afford meal delivery or grocery delivery
Households that qualify may order three days of food at a time for up to a month.
All orders will be delivered within three days of the order date.
Each delivery will contain three days of food (9 meals per person, but no household will receive more than 18 meals per delivery).
City Ramps Up Efforts To Deliver One Million Free Meals a Day to Hungry New Yorkers (Article)
If one doesn’t meet all of the eligibility criteria above, food assistance is still available through other means to get help. See other food options (pantries above; items below).
The Department for the Aging has transitioned to 100% meal delivery, rather than grab and go, for senior centers users. Seniors should call their local senior center for more information if they are not already receiving meals. They can also call DFTA's Aging Connect at 212-AGING-NYC (212-244-6469) or 311.
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly known as "food stamps") provides food assistance for nearly 1.8 million low-income New Yorkers including families, people who are aging and people with disabilities. The program helps families and individuals supplement the cost of their diet with nutritious foods. SNAP can be applied for online since HRA offices are closed during the COVID-19 pause and staff are teleworking.
You can apply online on ACCESS HRA. Read the user guide for ACCESS HRA.
You can call the HRA Infoline at 718-557-1399 to have an application mailed to you
OTDA will be issuing the emergency assistance to any SNAP household that did not receive the maximum allowable benefit per month, which is $194 for an individual and $646 for a family of four. The emergency assistance will be distributed later this month, after the regular benefits are issued. About half of all households receiving SNAP will receive additional benefits for May.
SNAP recipients can shop online for fresh produce and groceries. Participating online stores now accept SNAP benefits for online orders and will deliver to you. Use your EBT card to shop securely for fresh produce and groceries at these participating stores in the New York City area:
Note: SNAP benefits cannot be used to pay delivery fees.
NEW YORK CITY RESOURCES - Find City resources available due to COVID-19 to assist your and your family. Please share the info with others.
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The MTA has issued updated guidance with respect to riding transit. Masks or face coverings are required in the transit system at all times. Markers have been added throughout the subway system to help folks socially distance from each other, and local and limited buses remain back-door boarding-only for everyone who does not need use of the front door lift. We urge all customers to continue to follow public health guidance, including frequently washing your hands and using hand sanitizer.
Beginning Wednesday, May 6, at 1 a.m., there will be no subway service from 1 a.m. to 5 a.m. while the MTA disinfects trains and stations. Bus service will continue to run 24/7 under the Essential Service Pla
On May 28th, Governor Cuomo also announced that the MTA will pilot the use of proven UV light technology to kill COVID-19 in subway cars and crew facilities. The MTA currently cleans and disinfects trains every day.
Riders should take precautions as in all other circumstances when out in the public. The MTA will do the best it can; riders should also do the best one can.
Between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m., essential workers will be able to use the MTA's Essential Connector service. Essential Connector riders will be limited to two trips per night on for-hire-vehicles and must show proof of essential travel with appropriate credentials. Riders who do not have a smartphone will be able to request a ride through a dedicated number.
BUS service may be reduced due to limited crew availability. See Queens Bus Schedules here.
In order to limit person-to-person contact for station agents and riders, the MTA is no longer making any cash transactions at station booths. You can only make MetroCard transactions at MetroCard Vending machines.
The MTA has initiated a new rear-door boarding policy to keep riders and operators at a safe distance.
All must board local and SBS buses through the back door. Riders who need the ramp can board through the front door and use the priority seats. Express bus customers will still board through the front door.
"MTA Will Disinfect New York City Subway and Bus System, Metro North, Long Island Railroad" (Article)
Alternate side parking is suspended through Sunday, July 5 -12 and may be extended further dependent upon street cleanliness.
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BLACK COVID SURVEY - What is the Impact of the Pandemic on the Black Community? You can complete the survey if you meet this criteria:
Self-identify as Black or African American
18 years or older
Currently reside in the United States
Read and write English
For more information: blackcovidsurvey.com
Return to School 2020 Survey: The DOE created a short, anonymous survey to help us understand what is most important to families when we return to school in the fall. All parents/guardians of students in grades 3-K - 12, and students in grades 6-12 are invited to take the survey: schools.nyc.gov/returntoschool2020 or call 311. The survey is available in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, English, French, Haitian Creole, Korean, Russian, Spanish, and Urdu.
All parents/guardians of students in grades 3-K through 12, and students in grades 6-12 are invited to take a survey on the 2020-2021 academic year, with a special focus on what is needed for our schools to safely reopen. Learn more or complete the survey on the DOE's website.
Amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, on May 21, 2020 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced summer school will be conducted through distance learning this year to help reduce the risk of spread. Meal programs and child care services for essential employees will continue.
Schools and universities throughout New York State will remained closed through the remainder of this current academic year.
Register Here to sign up for a class, get reminders, and educational materials, or click here to check out different class times and drop in!
Remote Learning Device Distribution: To date, the city has distributed over 215K devices to families of grade school students who have completed the Remote Learning Device Request. Device distribution will continue in May for families who still need to complete the survey. Families can also call 718-935-5100 and choose option 5. A Remote Learning Survey is available in nine languages.
Museums/Historical Societies
The American Folk Art Museum makes its collection of books, paintings, textiles and other works available on its website.
While the Brooklyn Historical Society is closed, you can still visit its collection digitally, with online exhibits on the history of Brooklyn’s waterfront and the borough’s anti-slavery movement.
The Brooklyn Museum will be sharing Art for the Socially Distanced, spotlighting a piece from the collection on their tumblr each day.
More than 2,500 museums around the world have made their collections accessible online through Google Arts and Culture
The British Museum's The Museum of the World, an AMAZING tour of history and art.
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Childcare centers were closed during the pause, however the City is offering free childcare for the children of essential workers, with at least two sites in every school district. Childcare will be offered Monday-Friday, from 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. The centers will provide children with three daily hot meals, remote learning time with their teachers, activities like art, music, and physical education, and social and emotional support.
Essential workers who are New York City residents and would like to enroll in one of these centers need to complete this Regional Enrichment Center (REC) Enrollment Form. The form needs to be completed for every child, and the worker will then receive an email confirming your child's center assignment.
For child care directives, guidance and information from the State, please visit the Child Care Services Home Page for resources for parents and providers.
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An estimated 200,000 - 400,000 workers are returning to work as construction, manufacturing, wholesale supply, and non-essential retail (curbside and in-store pickup) get up and running again.
○ SBS guidance: nyc.gov/covid19biz and Reopening Guide.
○ A helpful palm card: NYC Means Business: Reopen & Stay Safe at Work.
○ Employer and worker guides are available at nyc.gov/coronavirus.
○ A dedicated Business Restart Hotline: 888-SBS-4NYC or 888-727-4692.
● Small Business Emergency Grant Program: Signature Bank is donating $750,000 in funds to the Small Business Emergency Grant Program to further support small businesses who experienced material damage to their storefronts over the last two weeks. More information available here: NYC Small Business Emergency Grant Program.
● Worker Hotline: Workers who call 311 will be connected to the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection for immediate assistance. Worker rights and guidance is also available: nyc.gov/coronavirus.
● PPE for Small Businesses: NYC SBS coordinating with 70+ BIDs and Chambers of Commerce to provide 2 million pieces of PPE to small businesses citywide. Find a distribution partner near you at: Free Face Coverings for Small Businesses & Their Employees.
The NYC Economic Development Corporation can help small business owners navigate federal emergency COVID-19 funding. They urge all who have been impacted to consider applying for relief as soon as possible, as funds are available on a first come, first served basis, and demand is already extremely high. They are available by email at sbasupport@edc.nyc or by phone at (212) 312-3915.
The City’s Restaurant Revitalization Program will support unemployed and underemployed restaurant workers using $3 million from NYC Opportunity, Mayor’s Fund to Advance NYC and One Fair Wage, and it will focus on the 27 communities hardest hit by COVID-19.
New York City is helping employers hire employees at no cost. It can tap into its pool of 100,000+ candidates to identify qualified individuals to meet your needs in essential services, such as food services, healthcare, manufacturing, pharmacy retail, transportation, and warehousing and more. Visit the NYC Business Hiring Assistance For Essential Workers webpage for further details.
Contact Tracing Workforce: City is hiring 1,000 contact tracers (working with us at DOHMH!) Hiring will be done through the Fund for Public Health. If you know someone that's interested in this role, use this link to access the application.
Contact Tracer Training (FREE Certificate funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies) and John Hopkins). There are estimates that there will need to be a workforce of at least 100,000 contact tracers nationally for an open economy.
The City of New York is hiring licensed TLC drivers to deliver food to New Yorkers in need during the COVID-19 crisis. Find more information at NYC Food Delivery Driver Portal
● Business Restart Hotline: 888-SBS-4NYC (888-727-4692)
● Facebook Grants for Small Businesses: facebook.com/grantsforbusiness
● Guidance for Employers & Employees: Update about Workplace Laws
● Non-Profit Providers: FAQ for Nonprofit Businesses
● Phase One Industries: New York Forward
● Small Businesses: Assistance & Guidance for Businesses
● Stop the Spread: Stop the Spread of Coronavirus Flyer
● Webinars for Small Businesses: Register here
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If you have been harassed or discriminated against due to race, national origin, age, or disability, contact the NYC Commission of Human Rights by calling 311
Call 911 if you are a victim of or witness a hate crime
To learn more visit COVID-19 and Human Rights
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To address the unprecedented impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic, DSS/HRA issued an emergency rule:
Increasing the burial allowance from $900 to $1,700 and increasing the cap on burial costs from $1,700 to $3,400.
Extending the timeframe for when you can apply to 120 days from the date of the individual‘s death.
Applications received on or after March 12, 2020 will be considered for the increased burial assistance allowance. All applications received will be reviewed regardless of immigration status.
Our office is now located at:
33-28 Northern Blvd. - 3rd Floor
Long Island City, NY 11101
You can call us at:
Please leave a message and an OBS staff member will return your call before the end of the next business day.
Burial Allowance Application M-860W:
View the Application for Burial Allowance and find out more about what HRA will cover.
You can also view the Burial Allowance Application form in: Español | Русский | العربية | 中文 | Kreyòl Ayisyen | 한국어 | বাংলা | Français | Polski | 简化字 | اردو
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A federal appeals court has ruled that New York’s presidential primary will be held on June 23rd.
Special elections for Queens Borough President, Council District 37 (CD37), and Assembly District 31 (AD31) were canceled. But primary elections for state and local offices will proceed as planned, including primary elections for Queens Borough President and AD 31, as well as Congress, state Assembly, and state Senate. The primary election for CD37 has been canceled, because only one candidate qualified for the ballot. Voters can check whether they have primaries in their neighborhood by searching their home address in the Poll Site Locator.
Request a Mail-In Ballot by June 16 to Vote Safely from Home
New Yorkers can vote safely from home for the presidential, state, and local primaries by requesting a mail-in ballot by June 16. Mail-in ballots must be signed, completed, and mailed-in by June 22 for the primary election on June 23.
Go to nycabsentee.com to complete your mail-in ballot request online and check “Temporary Illness” on the application. You can also call the New York City Board of Elections at 1-866-VOTE-NYC (1-866-868-3692) to request a mail-in ballot.
For other questions regarding voting, visit nyccfb.info/nyc-votes and nyc.gov/democracynyc.
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New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says he is extending a moratorium on evictions until Aug. 20 as the coronavirus continues to wreak havoc on the state’s economy. Applies to both commercial and residential properties.
New York State has a new rent relief program to help tenants who have lost income during the COVID-19 crisis.
- Applications for the #COVID19 Rent Relief Program must be submitted online or by mail by the August 6 th extension.
- Learn more: http://on.nyc.gov/2WSZcRJ
- Spread the word: https://twitter.com/NYCImmigrants/status/1286675475977375745
Updates (as of July 29) on Tenant's Rights and assistance here.
Most HOUSING COURT actions in NYC were postponed, but the courts have re-opened in Phase 4. Visit www.nycourts.gov or call (833) 503-0447 for more information.
The Housing Court Answers hotline at (212) 962-4795 can help you with housing court procedures, landlord and tenant rules, and referrals for legal help.
NYCHA residents who have experienced income loss can request rent reductions through the NYCHA self-service online portal or calling the Customer Contact Center at 718-707-7771.
SECTION 8 HOUSING tenants in NYC with hardships paying rent due to income loss may contact the NYC Housing Preservation and Development at DTRAI@hpd.nyc.gov or by fax at 212-863-5299.
HPD has launched a streamlined NYC Housing Connect portal, New Yorkers central resource for finding and applying for affordable housing. The new system streamlines the application process, provides New Yorkers with a clear picture of the opportunities they can apply for and includes more types of housing than ever before.
NY Attorney General outlines TENANTS RIGHTS during coronavirus pandemic (Article)
The LEGAL AID SOCIETY offers this guide on rent and your rights during illegal landlord lockouts during COVID-19
If you are experiencing homelessness and need immediate shelter, the Coalition for the Homeless may be able to help if you leave a message at their crisis hotline: 212-776-2177.
Additional Resources for TENANTS are found here.
The Governor also announced the Department of Financial Services has issued a new directive to New York State mortgage servicers to provide 90-day mortgage relief to mortgage borrowers impacted by the novel coronavirus. The directive includes:
Waiving mortgage payments based on financial hardship;
No negative reporting to credit bureaus;
Grace period for loan modification;
No late payment fees or online payment fees; and
Postponing or suspending foreclosures.
Additionally, the Governor has asked DFS to instruct state chartered banks to waive ATM fees, late fees, overdraft fees and fees for credits cards to help lessen the financial hardship of the COVID-19 pandemic on New Yorkers.
● NYCHA Residents: NYCHA’s journal + Hardship Rent Reductions + NYCHA COVID-19 FAQ + City Harvest Mobile Markets + Mayor de Blasio Announces New Plan to Combat COVID-19 at NYCHA
● Property Tax issues: Department of Finance Benefits
● Tenants/Landlords: COVID-19: FAQ for Residential and Commercial Buildings
Effective August 6th, unemployment insurance has been extended for another 20 weeks for New Yorkers. Please visit the New York State Department of Labor website to re-apply here. The online application portal has been improved and is available daily from 7:30 AM - 7:30 PM.
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The deadlines to file and pay federal income taxes are extended to July 15, 2020. File your federal taxes for free.
If you live in New York and earned $64,000 or less last tax year, the City can help you file taxes for free. Learn more about your eligibility for free tax prep through NYC Financial Empowerment Centers.
Free online financial counseling
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Use this link to find out more and apply here.
Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) Hotline
For questions about immigration or how to access City services during the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) crisis, call the MOIA hotline at 212-788-7654 from 9am to 5pm, Mon-Fri, or send an email to AskMOIA@cityhall.nyc.gov
If you live in NYC and have DACA, call ActionNYC at 1-800-354-0365 for help renewing your application
WE SPEAK NYC PROGRAM - In response to COVID-19, the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs’ We Speak NYC program, a free English language learning program that provides civic-focused instruction through videos centered on topics relevant to immigrant New Yorkers, will be offering online conversation classes.
The City of New York is committed to helping New Yorkers significantly affected by the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Many city services are available to all New Yorkers no matter what your immigration status is and regardless of your ability to pay, although other eligibility requirements may apply. Information ins this guide may be very helpful. View it here.
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New York State Coronavirus Hotline: 1-888-364-3065
New York City's Poorest Neighborhoods Have Highest Death Rates from Coronavirus
Six Months of Coronavirus: Here's Some of What We've Learned (Article 6/1/2020)
After 6 months, Important Mysteries About Coronavirus Endure (Article 6/1/2020
New COVID-19 Flyer from the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Learn How to Take Care of Yourself And Others at Home (English)
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